Hi there. I have wanted to set up a blog for a while but didn't realise how easy it could be.
The general theme of this journal is to publish photos of New Zealand.
New Zealand is a beautiful country. And so far away from all the madness in this world. A safe haven. Hopefully my photos of New Zealand will convey this message.
I want people to realise life doesn't have to be a violent struggle. There is a better way.
I hope you will enjoy these photos as much as I enjoyed taking them.
The photo on the right is a view of the Otago Peninsula in mid summer taken from Mt Cargill, near Dunedin. There are many areas in and around the peninsula that have become a fertile area for my landscape photos as you will see in the comming days and weeks.
P.S. Photography buffs - most of the photos on this site have been taken with a Sony F828 digital camera but if I have used a different camera I will try to remember to list the make and model alongside the photo caption.