A rare view of a deserted St Kilda beach, Dunedin's most popular, in the middle of winter on the shortest day. Notice the moon is rising at the same time the sun is setting behind the camera.
Using my digital camera I hope to convey in this journal the wonder and joy of living in a beautiful and mysterious land called New Zealand.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Saturday, December 09, 2006
The Rule of Thirds
The old piles at St Clair beach have been very popular with visitors to my blog so here is a another example for your pleasure.
The Mole Part 5
There are subtle variations in light and colour as well as composition in this series. Each picture has its own distinct "flavour"
Check out the others on flickr
Friday, December 01, 2006
Highgrove Sunset
I thought I should blog this one as it was taken with a new camera. I took this eith a Nikon D70. I really like the smooth operation of this camera. I'm using a Sigma 18-200mm lens which was recommended to me. I have been impressed with its sharpness and quality. So far it has been a good all round combination. Photo was taken handheld and I must say that this is the best photo yet of this location so I am rather pleased with the result.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
If there is one place Kiwis like to spend their summer holidays it is at the beach. In fact with so many to choose from any beach will do. This one before us is called Smaills beach and just a short drive from the city. In the distance is Lawyers Head, then the top of St Clair and Highgrove and further away to the left is Blackhead quarry. Beyond that is Brighton. So as you can see I wasn't exaggerating. There are as many beaches to choose from as place names within the gambit of this picture.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Roadside Reststop
One of the good things about photography is it gives me ample excuse to stop and explore parts of the countryside that I would normally drive right past. Here's one such place on the way to the mouth of the Taieri River south of Brighton.
If there is one place Kiwis like to spend their summer holidays it is at the beach. In fact with so many to choose from any beach will do
Sunday, November 19, 2006
The Winter Palace
Otago University is the jewel in Dunedins crown. Taken in winter during mid year break. The Leith river in the foreground runs through the campus and out to the harbour. On the right is the famous clocktower and registry. To the left ot the large trees is one of the old residences built to house the first professors of the university in the 1880s. Panorama created with Autostitch. Camera: Sony f828. This version has been downsized. The original file is too big for uploading onto flickr
Saturday, November 18, 2006
University Test
A recent study on the use of light, point of view, time of day and season using an easily accessible landmark.
Try and see if you can tell which season it is or time of day. I think I have got the angle, light, exposure and composition just right. Have a look at the others on flickr and see if you agree or not and let me know your thoughts.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
A Sample of my most popular photos in Flickrs Explore
I've just realised what all the fuss is about on flickrs explore page. It is exciting to know when your photos reach a wider audience through genuine interest
Friday, November 10, 2006
Stillwater at St Leonards
There is something magical about this photo that I can't easily describe but one thing I do know is the harbour is rarely this still. Taken in the morning during the middle of winter.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
St Kilda Beach Mist Pano
Mist like this usually rolls in from the sea but not this one - its actually moving across and over the sand dunes and flowing out across the water. What makes it special for me is the way the late afternoon sunlight is streaming through the mist as it glides across the beach. It was a truly beautiful and memorable sight.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Head in the Clouds
The late afternoon sun breaking through this large cloud is a pretty special sight and one I will always vividly remember
Friday, October 20, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Stillwater at St Leonards
There is something magical about this photo that I can't easily describe but one thing I do know is the harbour is rarely this still. Taken in the morning during the middle of winter.
Monday, October 16, 2006
St Clair From Second Beach
An alternative view of St Clair beach from the walking track opposite Second beach gives a nice silhouetted aspect of the city beyond the sand dunes
Thursday, September 28, 2006
A Dramatic Scene 2
The same photo as the one below but the levels have been adjusted slightly differently.
Does this version or the one below offer more mood or emotional impact for the viewer? That is the question I have been asking myself this week.
I think I like both versions, but for different reasons. However when in doubt I always revert to a printed copy as the best guide for establishing the photographs "provenance".
A Dramatic Scene
A good landscape is more than just taking a pretty picture. It will also be about capturing the mood of the place. In my opinion this is the mark of a succesful landscape photograph.
My wife likes the way the waves and the wind blown sand dunes create a sense of wild and untamed beauty that is typical of a remote southern beach in New Zealand. Do you think that also?
Friday, September 08, 2006
1 Year Anniversary of "A Downunder Photo Journal"
I just realised this blog is one year old now. So I thought I should post one of my most popular photos on flickr.com as a tribute.
I think this particular image captures the essence of what I am expressing about New Zealand and landscape photography as an art form.
Many thanks to all my friends, fans and well wishers during the last 12 months.
Lie of the Land
The end of one season and the beginning of another. Did anyone notice the transition. Not me!
What Lies Beneath
Dunedin's St Clair Beach in mid winter. The tide has removed the sand that normally covers the rocks in the foreground. I was trying a new lens with this shot. The original was quite drab and under exposed but I liked the composition enough to give it some work. Not too bad I think and worth repeating when there is more light.
Southern Castle
Dunedins famous Larnach Castle is one of the jewels of the tourism industry. And it has a truly interesting history.
Historic Landmark
Dunedin isn't only surrounded by amazing pristine beaches it is also blessed with many beautiful heritage buildings.
Its taken many months but I was finally able to capture historic First Church in all its glory.
Taking Some Time Out
Photo taken midday in early July. Camera Konica Minolta 7D Settings: 1/300s, f8 ISO 400, focal length 17mm
Wild Windy Beach
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Is It Really Winter?
So is it really winter here? Yes but nothing as bad that experienced in Canterbury or the North Island so far.
By the way I'm not complaining about the weather. I just want to see some snow around here!
This photo was taken at about midday in late June. Camera: Konica Minolta 7D Settings: 1/250s, f8, ISO200, focal length 17mm

Thursday, June 22, 2006
Winter Wonderland
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Thursday, June 01, 2006
The End of the Golden Weather
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Light and Colour
The photo was taken at about 4:30 pm in late May. Camera: Konica Minolta 7D Settings: 1/125s, f8, ISO400, focal length 100mm

Tuesday, May 23, 2006
My Current Favorite (And Why I Like It So Much)
I like the light on the tops of the piles because it accentuates the bleached quality of the wood. I like the sky because it looks realistic and not overly processed or excessively filtered. I like the color temperature of the overall photo. It's a bit like Goldilocks - not too warm or too cold, just right. And I like the composition of the picture too. And one more thing - it looks good in print and in a frame.
But a part from those reasons why do I like this picture so much. Well here's a clue. The picture was taken with a brand new camera and the operator (me) was still learning how to use all the controls, knobs and switches.
Another clue is that until now I have never owned or been comfortable using SLR type cameras.
They can be intimidating, heavy and hard to handle for some people. Up until now I have avoided using them. Yes it is true I too sometimes get overwhelmed with technology.
Now for the punchline - your camera doesn't really matter. Your equipment isn't important except to help achieve your objective. So if, like me, you can still manage to take a nice photo with an unfamiliar camera then that's good news for us all because it demonstrates the eye of the photographer is hard at work. It is the eye that is the most important ingredient. Why is that? It is the eye that takes the photo. The camera like a car or computer merely follows our instructions.
That's why I really like this photo.
The photo was taken at about 1:30 pm in late April. Camera: Konica Minolta 7D Settings: 1/500s, f6.3, ISO200, focal length 28mm

Thursday, May 18, 2006
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
The Power and the Glory Part 2
As we sailed past the coast the sun slipped behind this large cloud but it was the sunbeams that made this a memorable photograph. Visually stunning and awesome in every way.