Monday, December 03, 2007

Twilight Rainbow

Twilight Rainbow, originally uploaded by setev.

always get great satisfaction and joy from photographing a rainbow for 2 reasons.

The first is the rainbow never "sits still" for long and the second is the lighting makes getting a good exposure very hard. So the challenge to take a good quality and interesting photo is always there.

You could say this one presented itself in front of the the class just as we had started shooting some twilight photos of the Dunedin Railway Station. So we were fortunate to have not only a vivid rainbow but also a fine heritage building at the same time.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Dunedin at Night

Dunedin at Night, originally uploaded by setev.

It's been a while since I have done any night photography.

The above was taken at a park overlooking the city and inner harbour area. I was pleased with the results especially as I was using a different lens than normal.

Night photography is always a lot more fun when you are in a group too. So I recommend getting involved in either a camera club or photography class through your local college or Polytech.

Accidentally On Purpose

Accidentally On Purpose, originally uploaded by setev.

A pleasant surprise awaited me when I loaded a batch of night photos onto the computer last night. But then I'm sure every photographer has had this experience.

The lens was locked so the camera couldn't bring the lens into focus when I started shooting. I couldn't have done this on purpose if I tried...Hence the title.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

One Evening in the Springtime

One Evening in the Springtime, originally uploaded by setev.

I take the view that if a photo looks good in colour then it should look even better in Black and White.

One Evening in the Springtime

One Evening in the Springtime, originally uploaded by setev.

Trying out a new filter at one of my favourite places. Well actually 2 filters - one stacked on top of the other. A graduated ND grey on top of a circular polarizer. This was a tip I learned from Ken Rockwell. The location is my alma mater, Otago University in Dunedin. Best viewed large on flickr.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Keeping It Simple

Keeping It Simple, originally uploaded by setev.

Sometimes simplicity of form and composition is the best way to go in photography

Saturday, October 20, 2007

, originally uploaded by setev.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Beach Mosaic

Beach Mosaic, originally uploaded by setev.

Pick Up Sticks

Pick Up Sticks, originally uploaded by setev.

Stained Glass Mosiac

Stained Glass Mosiac, originally uploaded by setev.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

A Collection of Interestingness

I sometimes try out the latest widgets and other novelty offerings from the web guys associated with

The above web page was automatically created based on some clever scripting using flickr's secret "interestingness" formula. Officially I currently have 3 photos on the Explore photostream but the above page shows many others have received genuine attention from the flickr community.

Psst! click on the title to see the web page or here if you want. Cheers.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Foot Bridge and Old House

Foot Bridge and Old House, originally uploaded by setev.

Empty Street

Empty Street, originally uploaded by setev.

I'm into black and white at the moment - hence all the latest pictures in the photostream are in this format. I think it can add real impact to some photos such as this one above. The photo was taken last winter near the campus on a still morning. There was a heavy frost on the ground and snow in the hills around the city. Most people were still indoors. I really liked the atmosphere of the location when I took this photo. Isn't it funny how you can always remember the the times and places afterwards. And so by converting the image to B&W I am trying to convey the overwheming sense of stillness in what is usually a busy part of the campus. Best viewed large on flickr.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Steady As She Goes

Steady As She Goes, originally uploaded by setev.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

At Rest

At Rest, originally uploaded by setev.

Occasionally I find, after reviewing old photos, one that I think deserves a bit of rework or adjustment. Here is one example that received that extra attention. In this case I simply recropped the orginal image and converted it to black and white with a slight blue-grey tint.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Auckland Sunset

Auckland Sunset, originally uploaded by setev.

I took this from across the harbour at Devonport while visiting Auckland at Christmas.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Stained Glass Ceiling

Stained Glass Ceiling 3, originally uploaded by setev.

I have always liked taking photos of stained glass. Light and colour once again make this shot stand out. Taken in the foyer of the Auckland Museum.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Smaills Beach Dunedin B&W 3

Smaills Beach Dunedin B&W 3, originally uploaded by setev.

Smaills Beach has been a fertile ground for me so I was curious to see if they would look as good in monochrome as they do in colour. Here is the result with number 3 of 4 in the series.

Smaills Beach Dunedin B&W 4

Smaills Beach Dunedin B&W 4, originally uploaded by setev.

Smaills Beach has been a fertile ground for me so I was curious to see if they would look as good in monochrome as they do in colour. Here is the result with number 4 of 4 in the series.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Stark Beach

Stark Beach, originally uploaded by setev.

A Winter Shore

A Winter Shore, originally uploaded by setev.

Black and white photography is not someting I do very often but it still has the ability to make a powerful image in the digital age. In fact I would go as far as saying that when a photographer really wants to make a statement he or she will revert to classic black and white techniques. I don't know what it is but b&w always seems to add legitimacy and gravitas to the phtotgraphic image.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Taieri River Pano

Taieri River Pano, originally uploaded by setev.

Harbour Lights Pano 1

Harbour Lights Pano 1, originally uploaded by setev.

Harbour Lights Pano 2

Harbour Lights Pano 2, originally uploaded by setev.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Days End

Days End, originally uploaded by setev.

Two Walk as One

Two Walk as One, originally uploaded by setev.

The Birth of the Cool

The Birth of the Cool, originally uploaded by setev.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

St Kilda Beach Mist Pano

St Kilda Beach Mist Pano, originally uploaded by setev.

Mist like this usually rolls in from the sea but not this one - its actually moving across and over the sand dunes and flowing out across the water. What makes it special for me is the way the late afternoon sunlight is streaming through the mist as it glides across the beach. It was a truly beautiful and memorable sight.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves, originally uploaded by setev.

Light and colour - the two main ingredients for a great photo

Monday, May 07, 2007

Lavender Farm

Lavender Farm, originally uploaded by setev.

A local lavender farm near Mosgiel

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Strath Taieri Hills

Strath Taieri Hills, originally uploaded by setev.

St Clair Beach Poles in Low Light

St Clair Beach Poles in Low Light, originally uploaded by setev.

Taken while trying out a new camera (minolta 7d) in low light. A surprisingly good result for a novice SLR user and now one of my favs

Blackhead Beach in Daylight

Blackhead Beach in Daylight, originally uploaded by setev.

There are a number of sunset photos of this beach in my photostream on flickr that I thought it was about time there was a photo of Blackhead beach in daylight. This is one of Dunedins longest beaches. The name comes from the headland and quarry behind the camera where black basalt rock is extracted. I think the rock is crushed and used for road construction. The town of Brighton lies south of Dunedin in the distance.

Campus Precinct at Night

Campus Precinct at Night, originally uploaded by setev.

Friday, May 04, 2007

University Autumn Pano

University Autumn Pano, originally uploaded by setev.

And now the colour version of the B&W one below

University Autumn Pano

University Autumn Pano, originally uploaded by setev.

Here's another B&W wide angle pano version of the University clocktower and campus grounds

University Autumn Pano

University Autumn Pano, originally uploaded by setev.

I don't do a lot of Black and white but this seemed to convert nicely so I thought I should put it on show. On the left is the University clocktower and registry. In the middle is the Leith river which runs through the middle of the entire campus.

Incidentally I still see a great future for black and white photography in the digital era.

University Music Dept in Autumn

University Music Dept in Autumn, originally uploaded by setev.

I must have photographed this building hundreds of times but I really like the autumn colours of this one

Monday, April 09, 2007

Strath Taieri in Early Autumn

Strath Taieri in Early Autumn, originally uploaded by setev.

Friday, March 30, 2007


Shadowlands, originally uploaded by setev.

Wild South

Wild South, originally uploaded by setev.

Strath Taieri in Early Autumn

Strath Taieri in Early Autumn, originally uploaded by setev.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Sunset at Blackhead Beach

Sunset at Blackhead Beach, originally uploaded by setev.

Another in the sunset series from Blackhead Beach and well worth sharing. This has to be one of the finest sunsets I have seen in a while when coupled with the mist and haze from the sea

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Find the Light

Find the Light, originally uploaded by setev.

Do we find the light or does the Light find us?

Friday, February 16, 2007

Blue on Blue

Blue on Blue, originally uploaded by setev.

Between Taiaroa Head on one side and Aramoana on the other is the entrance to Otago Harbour. This is a busy part of New Zealands coast with many cargo, passenger and fishing vessels in transit each month.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Still Water

Still Water, originally uploaded by setev.

Water and light are 2 great ingredients for an early morning photo.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Rustic Cottage

Rustic Cottage, originally uploaded by setev.

Taken in the Fruitlands district near Roxburgh in Central Otago, New Zealand last autumn.