A big welcome to all my friends and supporters for 2006.
First off, I think a big thank you is in order. I have had such a lot of amazing feedback from so many since starting this blog in August 2005. The amount of interest my photography has generated both in New Zealand and abroad has taken me completely by surprise. I am humbled by your support and encouragement. Thank you.
One of the gratifying aspects is reading so many positive comments about New Zealand from people overseas after they have seen these photos. For instance I was delighted when 2 different artists requested use of them in their next paintings.
To those of you who have expressed an interest in holidaying in New Zealand I do sincerely hope that you will visit on your next vacation and experience first hand what many of us here take for granted. And if you do visit Dunedin please feel free to contact me by posting a comment on this site as all comments are forwarded automatically.
Rest assured there are many more photos awaiting selection for this blog and the others so keep visiting regularly. And don't forget to tell your friends.
This year I plan on making regular updates to the blog - at least once a week. I also want to feature some of the amazing hinterland of New Zealand such as our mountains and lakes.
Some of you have been curious about subjects in the photos and the equipment I use.
Firstly most of the pictures are taken literally right on my doorstep. By that I mean the locations are easily within 15 minutes driving from my home. Someone else asked if the sky was really that blue here in New Zealand. The simple answer is yes, it really is that blue on a sunny day.
Secondly is the equipment I use. It is very simple. I only use digital cameras. At the moment I have 2 Sony cameras. One is an f828 which Sony has recently stopped producing and the other is a Sony H1. Most of the photos on this site are taken with the f828. In my opinion they are both good cameras for the type of work I do. I hope to purchase a Nikon SLR later in the year.
As far as technique and style goes I will try to list more detail about each picture as an aid to photography buffs. One thing I have learnt recently is how to create good quality ultra wide angle photos called panaoramas so you will definitely be seeing more breathtaking views of this great country.
Now for some housekeeping news: I have restructured the blog slightly. In order to speed up the loading time I have limited to 9 the number of posts on the home page.
You can still find your favorite pictures by following the links on the left hand side. The archives section is organised on a monthly basis. Feel free to post comments and create links to other web sites.
Once again thank you for your support and I hope to hear from you soon.