Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Taieri Beach

Taieri Beach, originally uploaded by _setev.

A small explanation about this one is in order. Firstly there is a colour version further down the photostream for comparison. I always think if it looks good in colour then it will also make a good black and white photo as well.

This is slighly different to how I do things as I normally use Picasa or PS Elements for my basic editing.

But I have recently discovered and they have more features than are provided on flickr so I have used their online editing tools to edit this photo.

So far it has been a success.

I haven't done many beach shots lately but something always draws me back to the coastline.

Today we had interesting weather patterns that produced warm weather, lots of storm clouds and diffused sunlight which was perfect for middle of the afternoon photography.

Normally the light at this time of the day would be too harsh but today it was perfect.

Best viewed large.

Picnik: photo editing awesomeness

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